Hi, I’m Brian, a former senior software engineer and now software engineering mentor at Pathrise. I have worked with hundreds of software engineers to help them land their dream job. Check out my article where I compare Triplebyte vs Hired.
- Similarities and differences between Triplebyte vs Hired
- Services offered on Triplebyte vs Hired
- Prices for Triplebyte vs Hired
- Ratings and reviews of Triplebyte vs Hired
- Alternatives to Triplebyte vs Hired
- How do Triplebyte and Hired compare to Pathrise?
Similarities and differences between Triplebyte vs Hired
Triplebyte and Hired are popular platforms for people who are looking to land a job in tech.
- Both services are free for job-seekers.
- Triplebyte and Hired help software engineers and data scientists find jobs in tech.
- But, people who use the services should have a strong background in their field before applying.
- To streamline the job search process, Triplebyte & Hired participants create profiles that highlight their relevant work and education experiences.
- Triplebyte offers services only to software engineers and data scientists. On the other hand, Hired helps people who are looking for roles in design, DevOps, quality assurance (QA), project management, and product management.
- With Hired, candidates complete every component of each company’s application process. This includes phone screens, technical interviews, and onsite interviews.
- Likewise, Triplebyte candidates must participate in phone screens. But, some of them skip over other phone, technical, & behavioral interviews and jump straight to the onsite.
- Taking into account candidates’ skills and interests, Hired uses machine learning algorithms to match people to companies that are in the process of hiring.

Service offered by Triplebyte vs Hired
Both Triplebyte and Hired help engineers who have a background in the following areas:
- Front-end development
- Mobile app dev
- Machine learning
- DevOps
- Data science
In addition to their software engineering track, Hired also has options for people who are looking for positions in other fields, including:
- Engineering management
- Design
- Product management
- Project management
- QA
- IT
Prices for Triplebyte and Hired
Both Typlebye and Hired are free services. However, people must participate in a rigorous application process before they are accepted to the programs.
To apply to Triplebyte, candidates take an online quiz and complete a Google Hangouts interview. In this session, they will answer coding questions and participate in technical challenges. Those who pass the initial interview are invited to a 2-hour final round interview, which can be completed onsite or online. Triplebyte interviewers ask candidates a variety of behavioral and technical questions in order to determine their strengths.
Hired candidates must fill out an online profile, which also functions like an application. After completing the profile, successful candidates will start getting matched with companies. Those who do not have enough experience, or whose interests do not fit the jobs that are currently available, might not be accepted by Hired.
Ratings and reviews of Triplebyte and Hired
In general, online reviews of Typlebyte are fairly positive. Some people mentioned that entering the applicant pipeline can take quite some time, as there are not too many open interview slots for the virtual technical screen. Others noted that the interviews are difficult and can feel disjointed at times. But, many participants benefited from the feedback that they received after their interview, though a few people felt that the interviewers appeared bored or uninterested.
Online reviews of Hired are more mixed. Many Hired candidates benefited from working with the Hired talent advocate and successfully landed a job. But, people who were rejected by Hired were disappointed that the program did not offer feedback on their application materials. Some also mentioned that they received too many interviews at one time and struggled to keep up.
Alternatives to Triplebyte and Hired
If you decide not to use Triplebyte or Hired to practice for your software engineering interviews, there are a fair number of similar services that you can use:
- Like Triplebyte and Hired, Underdog.io is a job marketplace that matches candidates with companies, but only in New York City and San Francisco.
- A recruiting agency, Placement helps people find jobs in a number of different cities. Candidates participate in an income share agreement (ISA), which means that they pay 10% of their monthly income for 18 or 36 months after securing a job.
- Finally, another option is STELLARES, which uses artificial intelligence to match candidates with opportunities that are a good fit for their interests.
How do Triplebyte and Hired compare to Pathrise?
Triplebyte and Hired are both marketplaces for experienced engineers and data scientists. However, Hired also supports people who have backgrounds in design, DevOps, QA, project management, product management, and other more specific roles. Likewise, Pathrise fellows should also have some background in their field of interest before applying to our program, though we do work with new and recent grads with less experience. We offer tracks in software engineering, data science, product design, digital marketing, sales, and product management, strategy & ops.
A full-service organization, Pathrise works with job-seekers on every step of the job search, which means that the program is a bigger commitment. Our mentors, who have years of experience on both sides of the hiring table, offer 1-on-1 support and guidance on resume optimization, portfolio building, technical & behavioral interview prep, reverse recruiting strategies, salary negotiation, and more. Our fellows learn lifelong skills that can help them in future job searches as well.
Pathrise is a career accelerator that works with students and professionals 1-on-1 so they can land their dream job in tech. With our tips and guidance, we’ve seen our fellows interview scores double.
If you are interested in working 1-on-1 with any of our mentors to optimize your job search, become a Pathrise fellow.
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